Relatii Internationale Plus[ ISSN No. : 2587-3393 ]
Articles of Volume : 1 Issue : 15, August, 2019
Interrelation of migration processes and economic security in Azerbaijan

The evolution of the competences of the European Union´s institutions in the foreign policy field

Government coalitions in democratic states: conditions of multiplication of the results

The need for the improvement of financing regulations for enterprises from the Business Environment of SMES

Black Sea and Mediterranean Regions – unity or neighborhood? Location of the North-Western Black Sea Region in the Mediterranean Region

Transfrontal Cooperation Romania – Republic of Moldova. Case Study: evaluation of SMURD project

Contribution of foreign students to the development of higher education in Israel and in the Black-Sea Countries

Current theoretical aspects of international trade and modernity

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and attempts of its settlement in the framework of relationships between parties at the beginning of the XXI century (2001-2009)

Informational Technologies – primary field of the Republic of Moldova cooperation in the Strategy of the European Union for the Danube Region

The role of economic diplomacy in enhancing national competitiveness economic security

Objects of justice in civil cases: resolution of case or protection of right, as criteria for evaluation of effectiveness of civil litigation

Some aspects on the regulation of transfrontal cooperation in the field of Entrepreneurship of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises